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Attendance Policy

Guidelines for students and volunteers who would like to attend Davis Grad Night.

Davis Grad Night, Inc.

Policy on Attendance at Annual Grad Night Event


Student Attendance

Davis Grad Night, Inc. (GNI) sponsors an annual drug- and alcohol-free celebration for graduates of the Davis Joint Unified School District (DJUSD) schools (referred to as the Grad Night event).  Any student who is under the age of 21 who received a diploma or certificate of completion from any DJUSD school during the current academic year may attend the Davis Grad Night event.  Any student who is prohibited from attending graduation ceremonies by his/her school, for academic, disciplinary or any other reason, is also prohibited from attending the Grad Night event.  This policy specifically precludes any high school student who may be graduating from a non-DJUSD school from attending.  Notwithstanding the foregoing, visiting foreign exchange students may attend the Grad Night event if they are approved for attendance by a counselor at the DJUSD school in which they are enrolled and if they have senior standing in their home school.

GNI will provide a scholarship fund to support the attendance of all eligible DJUSD graduates who are unable to purchase a full-price ticket to the event.

GNI expects attendees at the Grad Night event to arrive and remain sober during the event.  GNI reserves the right to refuse admission to any attendee who is reasonably suspected of being under the influence of alcohol or other illegal substances.  


GNI expects attendees of the annual Grad Night event to behave in a respectful and safe manner.  GNI reserves the right to refuse to admit or remove any attendee at the Grad Night event for disrespectful, disruptive, dangerous or otherwise inappropriate behavior.

Ineligible students who enter the Grad Night event will be banned from all future Grad Night events, even if they are otherwise eligible to attend those future Grad Night events.

Volunteer Attendance

The Grad Night event relies upon significant support from volunteers of all ages.  

Students graduating during the current academic year may not volunteer for event setup or clean-up.  Anyone else who can provide assistance may volunteer to assist with set-up and clean-up for the event.  Only adults over 22 years old may volunteer during the event (9:00 p.m. through 5:00 a.m.).


Any exceptions to this policy must be approved by the GNI board.

Adopted by the Davis Grad Night, Inc. Board on March 11, 2009.

Amended by the Davis Grad Night, Inc. Board on July 20, 2011.

Amended by the Davis Grad Night, Inc. Board on August 9, 2012

the Davis Grad Night, Inc. Board on August 9, 2012

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